About us

Welcome to The Persian Rug Store, your premier destination for authentic, handcrafted rugs. Our collection features a diverse array of high-quality rugs from some of the most esteemed rug-making regions in the world.

Crafted using time-honored techniques and materials, each rug in our selection is a distinctive piece of art. Our range includes everything from classic, traditional designs to modern patterns and colors, ensuring a perfect match for any taste and interior decor.

The art of rug-making carries a profound historical significance, with traditions of craftsmanship dating back to ancient times. Our rugs are celebrated for their intricate patterns, vibrant colours, and superior materials, embodying centuries of artistic heritage and skill.

We invite you to explore our collection and delve into the rich history and traditions that inspire our selection. Should you have any inquiries or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help you find the perfect rug for your space.

Yunus Samiepour Director

Yunus Samiepour - Director

As director, I'm dedicated to hand-selecting Persian rugs that embody our heritage and craftsmanship, delivering more than just decor, but stories to your space

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